Enjoy the hunting and treasure!
Hint: the pictures may be a clue in and of themselves. 🙂

#mughunt #grandrapids #potterylane

Ada Covered Bridge


Before you begin your trek on the bridge, check the evergreen. In there you’ll find your treasure.

Canal Park


Go to the park, take a right, and continue on the footpath to the corner of the new building. Below where the grasses grow there lies your treasure.

Riverside Park Trail


Park at the boat launch on the north end of the park. Head north along the walking trail.

Look for the sign. ‘X’ marks the spot where your mug can be found. *It may be off the beaten path.

GR Township Park


Take the path to the brick wall… then down to the bridge. You’re a stones throw away from finding your mug.

Roselle Park


Before you head down a path, take a look around. This mug is hiding in a stone solid location.

Crahen Park


End of the road where the perennials begin, there you’ll discover mugnificent treasure.