Happy Earth Day!
The sun is out! Celebrate by visiting one of our many awesome GR parks and hunt for a mug!
Just a reminder, that while finding a mug is AWESOME… the mug has a few instructions attached to it, because the finder also can receive a voucher for a FREE event!
Enjoy your day!

John Ball Zoo Park
Head on over to the zoo! But before you visit the animals, take a walk out into the grassy area and look for the knotted twisted tree south east of the parking lot. Your mug is sitting within the twist.

Johnson Park
Parking lot southeast corner. Look for the pile of rocks. Literally.

Garfield Park
“We <heart> love Garfield Park” is the mural you seek. There is ivy growing close that conceals your treasure.

Millenium Park
Park in the Shelter B lot. Cross the drive on the white stripes. Head down the wetlands trail and take a right at the sign. When you come to the next fork in the path look down at the cluster of trees.

Pinery Park
Field 5: Just behind 3rd base dugout there is a tree. You’ll find treasure rooted there.

Kroc Center
At the end of the south entrance drive, where the grasses end, there your treasure sits among the reeds.