Pottery Lane GR has awesome opportunities for people aged 14 and up! Check out these three class offerings starting the week of July 23rd:
Intro & Beginner Classes

Handbuilding 101
Starts: July 23rd Come and join us once a week to create some cool functional pieces for your home, for your office or as a gift for someone else?It is a wonderful escape, wind-down, and creative outlet. One of the best parts is seeing your pieces fired and done. Instant sense of accomplishment. You’ll come back for more, I promise. ? Monday nights 6pm – 8:30pm 6 Weeks Begins July 23 Ends on Aug 27 View Details

Intro to Wheel Throwing
Starts: July 25th Join our evening wheel throwing class, and find yourself – in a small class, in a creative community, in a place where a spinning wheel can bring focus and more mental energy. All beginner pottery classes welcome first timers or students with limited experience throwing pottery on the potter’s wheel. Wednesday nights 6pm – 8:30pm 6 Weeks Begins July 25 Ends on Aug 29 View Details

Intro to Pottery
Starts: July 26th Have you wanted to try working with clay, but didn’t know where to start? This course is designed for the beginner who wants to learn the basics of both handbuilding, as well as get an introduction to throwing on the wheel. You will also learn how to tend to your pottery during various stages as well as glaze your fired pots. Thursday nights 6pm – 8:30pm 6 Weeks Begins July 26 Ends on Aug 30 View Details